Friday, August 12, 2011

No weigh-in

No weigh-in this Friday because I'm embarrassed. Here I said it.
My friend just told me that she is reading my blog and I felt embarrassed that I haven't posted all week. This week went downhill since Tuesday when my boss invited me for sushi and I couldn't say no. Then on Wednesday I was PMSing and eating whatever was in my sight. So as you can see I have plenty of excuses:)
I'm bloated and miserable, I don't want to upset myself and damage my fragile psyche by looking at scary numbers at my scales. So please forgive me:)
I will behave next week, pinky swear!


  1. Hey Masha,

    Hang in there! Please don't be too hard on yourself. We've all had times when we slip up. The important thing is to do exactly what you're doing -- namely, to get up & keep going!

    Once your TOM is over, I think you'll feel a lot better...I know you'll have good things to report next week! :)

  2. All you can do is keep going. You are doing great!!
