Monday, July 11, 2011


My weight today is 158, even though yesterday it was 157. Maybe it's my upcoming TTOM, or just bagel, peach pie and wine that I had yesterday.
I didn't count points over the weekend. On Saturday I did very good and ate in moderation, walked for 2 hours and had lots of water. Sunday wasn't so good, didn't move much and ate diet unfriendly foods. So as always, Monday is the time when I concentrate, get myself together and continue my journey to being skinny.


  1. I take your bagel, peach pie and wine and raise you a mountain of chinese food, pizza, two glasses of wine and two cosmos!

  2. LOL, now I really want pizza!

  3. You guys are funny (Little Miss Countrary & Masha!) hehe .. Yes, Monday's are good to start all over. Good luck with the rest of the week. Are on Weight Watchers now? Or still doing Dukan?
