Wednesday, June 29, 2011

day 22


I had 2 chocolate candies yesterday :( And 100ml of white wine with seltzer.  Not good.
Also for dinner I had seafood stew that I made (it's called cioppino, absolutely delicious) it was Dukan friendly, but my PP day turned into PV, because it had tomatoes, fennel and onions. Here is the pciture

I'm a little frustrated, it's getting difficult to stick to the diet. I'm a mess with my PP and PV days, and my cravings for alcohol and sweets get in the way.
For this reason, I'm considering to switch to weight watchers, it seems like it will give more flexibility and freedom when it comes to food selection.
I don't want to give up, and actually that's not what I'm doing, just trying to find a way of losing weight that will not make me miserable. I don't know if I will switch to WW. Today I will try to stick to proteins only, and then we'll see how it goes.
Breakfast: cured sausage and cold cuts, coffee with 1% milk
Lunch: 150 g of pot roast (it was store bought)
Water: 2L
Exercise: 30 minutes of walking


  1. Dukan may seem easy for a lot of people, well, at least the thought of it, but it is hard. Not easy at all. YOu should do what you feel is right for you to lose weight. After all, we are on this journey to lose weight and to be healthy, no matter how we do it. Right? :) - so, don't feel like you're giving up. If you need to try something different, that's totally fine. I don't want to sound like i am discouraging you to quit Dukan. I'm not! But again, losing weight is the main reason we're all here. I was on Dukan before. Stopped, tried a different thing, worked for a while, then here i am back on dukan. Hoping this time around it works. Dukan does work. We just need to be consistant and do what we're supposed to do! which is hard :) .. Good luck today, hopefully you can stay on track.

  2. Julie, thank you so much for your encouragement, it really means A LOT to me!
    What did you try after stopping dukan?
